English Bio
Click here to download a short and long version of our bio. Click here for the Dutch version. Want a presskit? Please get in touch with us.
De band is voor het eerst bij elkaar gekomen in 2016, ontstaan vanuit een workshop. De band is al sinds Augustus 2018 bij elkaar in de huidige formatie en heeft door de jaren een breed repertoire op weten te bouwen van rock covers en eigen interpretaties. POPEI de vaste thuisbasis waar iedere maandagavond gerepeteerd wordt.
NoKeys consists of five enthusiastic musicians. Different backgrounds and ages but one shared passion; a good piece of music. NoKeys likes to get heavy but can also play a sensitive tone from time to time.
The name NoKeys came to life because, with every song included in the repertoire, the realization came that keys were needed. With the lack of a keyboardist, gaps were filled with the instruments that were available. Quickly, the realization came this went fine and keys could easily be replaced with bass or guitar. This style also suits a lot better, no-nonsense and rocking out! The fact that there is regular unclarity regarding the whereabouts of the keys to the rehearsal space could also be playing a factor…
The band first got together in 2016, coming from a workshop. The band has its current lineup since August 2018 and built a diverse repertoire of rock cover and own interpretations over the years. POPEI is the dedicated home base for weekly practice on Monday night.
Lineup of rock coverband NoKeys:
Céline Tuns: lead vocal

Mark Thieke: Drums + backing vocal

Jeroen van Gelder: bass + backing vocal

Guido Josquin: Guitar + vocal

Jip Steenbakkers: Gitaar + backing vocal